Sunday School

Beginners (Ages: 3-4)
Teachers – Isaac & Christy Brown, Sandy Melton
Located in the Activities Building – First Floor
This class teaches children love, discipline and understanding concerning the teachings of God’s Word in a fun learning environment.

Busy Bees (Ages: K-1st grade)
Teacher – John & Dean Turner, Edwina Waybright, Denita Dale
Located in the Activities Building – Second floor
This fun-filled class is full of energetic boys and girls eager to learn more about Christ. They are taught simple Bible stories they can apply to their lives.

God’s Explorers (Ages: 2nd-3rd grade)
Teacher – Rachel Snyder, Courtney Brown, Ben & Allie Mack
Located in the Activities Building – Second Floor
The children participate in a four-part class, starting with a snack and then a skit or activity that is performed to introduce the lesson. The lesson is then given by the teacher, and followed by an activity to reinforce the lesson.

Faith Detectives (Ages: 4th-6th grade)
Teacher – Cindy Turner, Swanee Derito
Located in the Activities Building – Second Floor
This grade level focuses on learning the truths and applications of God’s Word with an investigative flavor. They have interactive lessons that are thought-provoking, yet filled with fun.

Teens (Ages: 7th-12th grade)
Teacher – Pastor Matt & Jessica Walton
Located in the Activities Building – Second Floor
This class introduces our teens to the awesome experience that comes with having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this while striving to ground them in the faith of the Bible, which will help to provide an anchor for the stormy seas of life. They meet every Sunday morning in the Activity Building on the second floor.

Diligent Seekers (Ages: 18-30)
Teacher – Pastor Mike Hatcher
Located in the Activities Building – Second Floor
This class is geared toward those of college and career age. The goal is to give spiritual guidance to those seeking diligently for the path that they will take for their life. Lessons are scripturally based and held in an open forum as truths from the Bible are applied to problems and temptations faced in everyday life.

Family Foundations (Ages: Various)
Teacher – Kevin Boyce
Located in the Activities Building – Second Floor
Family Foundations is about growing closer to the Lord so they can make their marriages strong in this difficult world. This precious time together strengthens marriages because couples are reminded that they are not in it all alone and can gleen from other couples who have had similar challenges. The class centers on the belief that enduring families rest on the foundation of the Word of God.

Fellowship Class (Ages: Various)
Teacher – Ed Austin
Located in the Activities Building – First Floor
This class provides an exciting and interactive time centered on God’s Word. Each week they study in depth the living Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword…. and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The class is focused on helping individuals to have a closer walk with the Lord.

Salt and Light (Ladies Only)
Teacher – Mackie Goodson, Drema Bonar
Located in the Activities Building – First Floor
This class comes together to learn practical lessons from the Bible to help guide them to lives that are more Christ-like. Their name comes from Matthew chapter five, that remind us that we are to be the salt and light in the world around us. Each week they take time to share their blessings, praise God for things He has done, and bear each other’s burdens through prayer.

J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth)
Teacher – Jeff Waybright
Located in the Main Sanctuary
This class is primarily made up of those 45 years and older, but anyone is welcome. They meet in the main auditorium and begin class with a time of fellowship and singing. There are book studies from different books of the Bible and a Q&A as time allows. They also share prayer burdens and praises with each other.