Childrens Ministry

Our Infant Nursery is for the precious ones birth through 1 year (or until they are expert walkers). This nursery is in our main sanctuary so Moms have easy access and there is a one way window into the room so Mom and Dad can check on them without disrupting the babies.
Toddler Nursery
Our Toddler Nursery, which is located in the Activities Building, has toys and games geared for busy toddlers. Ages range from 1 to 3 years.

Our Preschool Class is located in our Activities Building, and is for children ages 3-4 years. We welcome your children to our class, where we strive to teach love, discipline and understanding concerning the teachings of God’s Word.

Our Junior Church program meets during the Sunday morning worship service and provides age appropriate Bible stories , songs and crafts. We also have a puppet stage where puppets help teach the truths of the Bible stories and help the children to learn songs and Bible verses .

At RTBC, the Awana Club meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM September through April.
The preschool program uses games, puppets, crafts, awards and other activities to make each week an experience where fun and learning go hand in hand.
Children in kindergarten and on through second grade take part in our Sparks program. Building on the basics learned in Cubbies, Sparks combines learning with fun to make each week exciting as the children learn more about God’s Word.
The next step in our Awana Club program is the Truth & Training Club for third through sixth graders. With many exciting features to get kids enthusiastic about God’s Word, T&T helps trains the leaders of tomorrow learn about God and His Word through scripture memory and fellowship. The evening also include game time and council time.

The Bible is the “History Book of the Universe”, wherein the God of Creation reveals Himself and His thoughts toward mankind. Our worldview is based solely on Bible – the inerrant, cohesive, inspired Word of God. We study our way through the 7 C’s of History, exploring the literal days of Creation, mankind’s fall into a state of sin, the effects of the global flood of Noah’s day, the dispersion of people groups at the Tower of Babel, the birth of Christ our Savior – God in the flesh, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross to redeem us from our lost and sinful state, and ultimately – His plan to make all things new (Rev. 21:5).
Creation Club begins in June and runs through the end of August, about 11 weeks duration.
It is for grades K-6. We also have a Preschool Creation Club for ages 3-5. We meet at 7 PM on Wednesdays in the gym. We begin with lesson time, then have snack time and conclude with game/craft time.
We often have special guest speakers:
– Mark Dowler – Bible Science Safari
– Karl Priest – Insects Bug Evolution
– Water Night with the Ripley VFD and

Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir performs at various services throughout the year and is open to Kindergarten – 6th grade children. The Children’s Choir is under the direction of Jessica Walton and Jessica Boyce.