Ladies Ministries

We help those in need in the church any way we can. Our mission is to serve and uplift all of God’s people, saved and unsaved. Our theme is, “Use my heart, use my mind, use my hands to scatter love and sunshine through the church.” John 13:34-35 says, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

The demands of life for women and mothers are stressful and seem never ending at times. We spend all day interacting with the little ones and battling with the older kids. There are days that we just long for conversation with another adult. For some you spend all day at work and then come home to work your other job; homemaker, wife, mother, ect. Ladies Circle is a time where women from all walks of life can come together for encouraging fellowship and helpful lessons from God’s Word.
Seniors Ministry

Our Sonshine Seniors ministry is for adults 55 years young and up. We meet once a month from April to December for dinner and time of fun and fellowship. We share prayer requests and praises and hear a challenge from God’s Word. We also take trips to Amish country and other sightseeing trips around our beautiful state. At Christmas time we travel to neighboring cities to see the beautiful Christmas lights and have dinner together. Come and join us! You will be glad you did.